2024 Candidate Experience Blueprint for a better Talent Acquisition strategy

HR leaders often find themselves facing the challenge of creating a solid talent acquisition strategy. Considering the End-to-End Recruitment Process, the need for a thoughtful and effective approach to attracting, hiring, and onboarding new hires becomes increasingly important to retain top talent and contribute to the overall success of your organization. Use our 2024 Candidate Experience Blueprint as a practical guide.

2024 Candidate Experience Blueprint: Attract, Hire, Onboard

We break down each stage – Attract, Hire, and Onboard. From defining your employer brand by answering key questions to harnessing innovative digital tools for recruitment, this blueprint serves as a tangible roadmap for businesses, aiming not only to attract the right talent but also to cultivate a seamless onboarding experience.


2024 Candidate Experience Blueprint framework for talent acquisition

Let’s explore each stage of this blueprint, where strategic insights meet practical tools for success:

Task/action 1. Attract 2. Hire 3. Onboard
Answer key questions
  • Mission: What value do we provide
  • Benefits: Why work with us?
  • Competences: Who do we look for?
  • Who is the best match for this role?
  • Who is the best match for this team?
  • Who is the best match for our culture?
  • Have they submitted and received all essential
  • Have they met all relevant colleagues?
  • Have they received concrete tasks to start contributing?
Choose digital tools
  • Career site: recruitment hub with built-in analytics to track applicant conversion
  • Social media: Glassdoor, LinkedIn
  • ATS – Applicant Tracking system filtering upcoming applications
  • CRM – Candidate Relationship Management system equipped with features to retain and engage applicants through chatbots, email campaigns, etc.
  • Social media – recruitment through e-WOM;
  • Job boards – traditional sourcing instrument
  • Human Resources Information System
  • Digital checklists to keep track on onboarding procedures
  • To-do tools to assign tasks to new hires
  • Onboarding suits that combine different functionalities
Assign accountable stakeholders
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Recruiters
  • Human Resources
  • Recruitment and hiring managers
  • Hiring department
  • Human Resources
Define the right metrics
  • Brand awareness – familiarity with a company prior to application.
  • Net Promoter Score – from 1 to 10, how likely a candidate is willing to recommend your company as an employer.
  • Source of hire (referral, social media, job board, etc.).
  • Cost to fill.
  • Conversion rate – ratio of received applications to all job views.
  • Interview to hire ratio – ratio of candidates that received an offer to all interviewed candidates.
  • Offer acceptance rate – ratio of accepted offers to all offers made.
  • Time to productivity – time to fully onboard a new hire and enable them to reach expected productivity level.
  • Training completion rate – percentage of completed training sessions mandatory for onboarding (induction, etc.).
  • New hire turnover – turnover of new employees within first 2, 6, 12 months of work.

Attract (Employer Branding)

Clarity and a compelling employer brand are key to attracting top talent. Elevate your brand through a dynamic career site, a robust social media presence on platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn, and strategies refined based on key metrics such as brand awareness and Net Promoter Score. Ensure accountability with stakeholders from marketing, human resources, and recruiters.

Hire (Recruitment & Talent Acquisition)

Equip your hiring process with cutting-edge tools within the Microsoft ecosystem. From the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) to leveraging social media, job boards, and gamification for a playful assessment of candidates, every tool is designed for efficiency. Collaborate with recruiters, the HR department, and managers to ensure a data-driven approach, optimizing key metrics like source of hire, cost to fill, conversion rate, interview to hire ratio, and offer acceptance rate.

Onboard new talent seamlessly

Onboarding is the linchpin of a positive employee experience, setting the tone for a seamless journey from new hire to productive team member. Employ digital checklists, to-do tools, and specialized onboarding guides within the Microsoft ecosystem to streamline the process. Foster collaboration between the hiring department and HR, and define metrics such as time to productivity, training completion rate, and new hire turnover for a comprehensive view of onboarding success.

Choosing Your Talent Acquisition Solution: A Microsoft platform Approach

The final step in this transformative journey is choosing the right Talent Acquisition solution. Ensure your recruitment- and hiring solution aligns with the following checklist:

  • It fully solves your recruitment needs
  • Integrated with your core HR system for seamless data flow
  • Scales with your business growth
  • Supports a single source of truth for data quality
  • Constantly updated for security and functionality


Implement your End-to-End talent acquisition solution with the right Microsoft tools

Embark on this journey with confidence, leveraging Microsoft Dynamics 365 augmented with FourVision’s HR suite and top-tier partner solutions that fit your needs.

FourVision & Microsoft End-to-End-HR Ecosystem

With over 15 years of experience working as Microsoft’s largest partner specializing in HR, we are the ideal partner to structure and streamline your Candidate Experience, Talent Acquisition, and other HCM processes. Contact us to get started!


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