Help employees work efficiently in a hybrid office

Remote working has become the new normal for many businesses around the globe, but have our working culture adapted to it efficiently? For some, working from home has been bliss, for others – a nightmare. What exactly can you do to reduce employee stress and nourish a sustainable remote/hybrid organization?

1. Give room for flexibility

Video meetings all day long can be exhausting. Most importantly, this time is not always productive.

According to Bartleby’s Law, “80% of the time of 80% of the people in meetings is wasted. ” Allowing your employees some flexibility to decide if they want to skip a meeting or to stay muted on certain occasions helps maintain a healthy energy level.

2. Incorporate task boards

Emails, calls, and instant messages are overwhelming.

Information overload creates mental chaos, decreases focus, and causes fatigue. To solve this, you can equip employees with an easy-to-use tool that organizes and visualizes their workload in one single place — one source of truth for all relevant project tasks, their statuses, colleagues involved, and progress made.

The most popular tools on the market are Trello and (which we use to delegate tasks and schedule content). You can also find a lot of alternatives that suit you.

3. Provide feedback channels

Remote working can disturb our privacy: all messages are logged, most team meetings are recorded. This setting can hold employees back from sharing their grievances, concerns and asking sensitive questions.

To avoid this, you might consider deploying confidential feedback channels within your organization to address issues and prevent them from escalating. Software solutions available on the market include IncogneatoVevox, and more.

4. Streamline Performance Management

In 2022, your business relies on trust. Trusting people to do their jobs in a way that works for them requires a mindset shift.

To avoid micromanagement, invest in the implementation of transparent performance management strategies and tools to support them. For instance, Performance Management software facilitates data-driven feedback and progress tracking, both on individual and organizational levels. This way, you empower your people with freedom without compromising business objectives.

Learn more about the Performance Management App developed by FourVision and see how it can serve your business in the hybrid era.

How to help employees work effectively in hybrid or remote office

Table of Contents

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