How our Boarding App supports Hiring, Transitioning and Offboarding

How our Boarding App supports Changes in Hiring, Transitioning and Offboarding Employees.

With the start of the Corona virus and world-wide societal lock downs, many employees have gotten used to working remotely. For some, not much changed except the restrictions to traveling to customer locations. Luckily remote working has steadily been made much easier with the enormous supply of remote working tools and video conference options available nowadays. Unfortunately, COVID-19 also brings with it forced organizational changes and means keeping a close eye on revenue and expenditure. For some organizations this could mean having to let go, or Offboard, employees and needing to Transition employees into new positions to take over. While for others, it could mean having to hire new people to take on extra workload. Whatever the situation you are in, our Boarding Web App is there to make it all easier! The App is fully GDPR compliant and adheres to the privacy regulations that protect employee and personal data.

Hiring New Talent (Onboarding)

Once an offer has been extended and accepted, the new employee is ready to start. The personal details, stored in the HR system, are picked up by the Boarding App, efficiently adding the contact details. Added employee data links them to the right team so that tasks are assigned and linked to the right people for an organized process.

How does the App work for Onboarding?

Once the new employee’s data is collected, the admin of the system (the HR team) can start building the Welcome Guide. These guides can be built and saved as a template so that the admin only has to make them once. From then on only small changes have to be made to personalize it, saving everyone involved time.

Because of the configurable automated workflows, other employees can be assigned to tasks that have to be completed for the onboarding process of the new employee. Notifications trigger responses and tracking is made easy through the personal Guide.

You can upload any tasks that help the employee get acquainted with the organization, their culture, and their own team. This can be done remotely as well.

New Job, Same Organization (Cross-boarding)

There are numerous reasons for an employee to change positions. The most obvious being that the organization is growing or that someone leaves creating a gap that could be filled by someone already working at the organization.  Another reason could be that an employee has a personal career plan that they would like to execute and move into a position that they feel is better suited to that plan.

There are many benefits to transitioning. The main one is that the employee already knows the organization.

How does the App support Cross-boarding?

Similarly to Onboarding, the Welcome guides can be set up to help an employee change positions within the organization. They will have to get to know their new team, and learn about the new processes that come with this position. While no longer a ‘welcome to the organization’ guide, the templates used to build them are similar in the sense that they welcome the new employee to the new position. Tasks can be set up for the employee to complete, and linked to the correct team members for further action.

The personal guide shows the progress of the completed tasks and the ones still unfinished.

Leaving an Organization (Offboarding)

A reality all organizations have to deal with is employees leaving. This could be because they have found a job better suited to their career goals, or because they simply want a change in scenery. On the other hand, sometimes an employee is not a good match to their position, or the organization’s culture. You may (have to) fire them.

How does the App support Offboarding?

An employee cannot just leave. There is often a notice period and there are a number of loose ends that should be resolved before they say their final goodbyes.

Create Goodbye Guides, that include all necessary tasks for the employee to complete before they can leave. What kind of work does the employee have to do to finish their tasks or transfer their work onto someone else? Is there a new person they need to train? These tasks can all be included in the Company laptop, phone, lease contract, many of these are under contract which means the contractual obligations have to be met. To make this easier to track and ensure both parties stick to their end, these can be added as tasks in the Offboarding templates.

About us

FourVision is Microsoft’s global leading Dynamics 365 Human Resources implementation partner. We have successfully implemented HR platforms in a variety of industries across multiple Microsoft environments for over a decade. FourVision also delivers an impressive suite of Web Apps that extend Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources. Our Web Apps will help your organization prepare for the future. See more about our solutions here!

FourVision boarding app for onboarding and crossboarding

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