How to make HR processes more engaging

In this article, we’ll share a few ideas about how you can make some HR processes more engaging.

If you look back 15 years, the role of HR has moved from a simple back-end task to a whole strategic frontline function. Business owners realized that humans are the most valuable asset for the success of their business. Human Resources and HR employees play a crucial role in developing, reinforcing and changing a company’s culture. Key components such as personnel management, onboarding, training, employee development and supporting the business’s values are essential constituents of business culture.

But nowadays, HR processes are on a fixed loop. The hiring market is a competitive world, and hiring/retaining employees has become more challenging. Hence, it has become imperative that HR processes move away from traditional activities and start implementing fun/innovative ideas to engage employees. The workplace of the future has to have a great atmosphere. It should inspire and motivate employees, helping with retention and attracting new talent.

Why is having fun at work important?

In his book, Richard Branson says: “Fun is one of the most important – and underrated – ingredients in any successful venture. If you’re not having fun, then it’s probably time to call it quits and try something else.”

Fun doesn’t define great workplaces, but it’s an important indicator. Fun means taking a new way of looking at something old and stale, or something that must be done, and mixing it up in a way that enhances camaraderie, builds trust, and invites everyone to be more authentic.

Businesses should no longer ignore the fact that having a fun and motivating workplace has a big impact. Moreover, the tangible benefits of promoting enjoyment at workplaces in the overall employee experience can be far-reaching.

Making recruitment and onboarding processes more engaging

Let’s start from the beginning.

When you organize and execute your onboarding processes with fun in mind, there is a lot to gain. You empower your new hires to succeed faster. And they become more knowledgeable about the company before they even start.

Here are three tips to help you get started:

Don’t make it too complicated. It is already a very new environment for the new employee.

When hiring an employee, the new colleague enters a completely different environment than they are probably used to. Before their first workday, it is vital to give new employees information about the company, its personnel and the company culture. Engage the new employee beforehand so that they, for example, know whom to approach if they have any specific questions.

Welcome the new employee with excitement!

A survey done by TINYpulse showed that 22% of turnovers happen within 45 days of a new employee being hired. This means that welcoming new employees with open arms create a positive first impression and it is crucial for the new employee to feel valued and welcomed. If new employees don’t feel valued or have inadequate training, they will likely leave and seek better opportunities.

First impressions are essential to show them how excited the company is to have them on board.

Schedule one-on-one meetings for new employees

For the new employee, meeting new faces can be very exciting. It is convenient for the new colleague to get to know his new colleagues right away. Planning meetings for the new employee to meet their new colleagues can help them build relationships and learn more about others.

According to a LinkedIn survey, 96% of new employees stated that one-on-one meetings with their direct managers and colleagues are crucial to a good onboarding process. This is also the managers and current employees chance to make a first impression and get to know each other better. At the same time, this can ensure that the new colleague feels comfortable in a new environment.

More engagement for a higher employee retention

Employee retention is the ability of a company to keep its employees from leaving. It is expressed as a statistic. People come and go for various reasons, so a certain amount of leavers is normal. In addition, factors such as industry, demographics and geography have an impact on the numbers.

Research has also shown that each time a company has to replace a salaried employee, it costs them an average of 6 to 9 months of that employee’s salary. However, this does depend on the skill, level and amount of time an employee worked at the company.

There are many easy strategies to retain your employees. Here’s a few:

Celebrate wins or finished projects

Whether it is an individual or a team success, make sure to acknowledge your employees. A milestone should be celebrated. This shows your gratefulness to the team or employees and motivates them to do more projects for the company.

Offer training opportunities

Training your staff allows them to strengthen their skills to improve in specific fields. Providing the necessary training creates an overall knowledgeable staff that can take over for one another if needed. Despite the cost of training for employees, the return on investments is immense if it is consistent. Besides that, makes employees feel valued. Giving training to employees will help them feel that the company is invested in them.

At FourVision, we will start making use of Microsoft VIVA learning. When integrated into Teams, this app creates a central place where people can share, assign, and learn from content libraries that an organization invested in.

Organize company events or get-togethers

Company events and get-togethers are a great way to bring your team closer together. Team building events can break down particular walls and barriers in the (virtual) workplace. Cohesive teams are more creative and productive. Besides, it motivates employees to put their best effort into the whole team and their projects.

Having a buddy or mentor at work

Having a buddy is not only for new employees. It gives all employees a friendly face they can seek support from. A buddy provides employees with a supportive network to discuss personal and work-related topics and get constructive feedback. It enhances productivity and job satisfaction, helping employers retain individuals.

Keep in mind that some of the ideas listed above might require additional resources for its preparation and execution.


To sum up, the emphasis should not be only on the business. It is also about cultivating healthy relationships between the employees. It is essential that the employee feels relaxed, welcomed and acknowledged for their work. That will keep them engaged and the business thriving.

Implementing some of these tips should keep the spirits high. In turn, it will make the workplace more valuable and productive!


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How to make HR Processes more Engaging

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