How will your Organization Benefit from Skills Mapping?

It is important to know what skills your employees have for your organization to plan your workforce accordingly. On top of that, employees need to know what skills they may have to work on in order to grow within the organization and do their jobs successfully.

So how do you know who has the skills to do what job well or how do you find out who needs to improve on one, or more, of their skills? The answer is Skills Mapping!

As part of our latest release, our Performance Management Web App now supports Skills Mapping fully and the images you see below are screenshots taken directly from the Web App.

What is Skills Mapping?

Skills Mapping is a visual overview of “the skills needed to perform well in any given role and comparing that with the existing skills held by employees throughout the organization.

By comparing the necessary skills with the existing skills, you can identify any gaps easily and work to overcome it. It allows you to manage your team’s skills and assign projects to specific team members. Preventing any mistakes by ensuring the right person is in charge, or simply working as part of a team, of projects or client relations.

Compare worker and job skills

Skills Mapping allows individual employees to gain insight into their own expertise while at the same time offering them a starting point for their professional growth. Managers can oversee what kind of skills employees in their teams already have and which ones are still missing. Prompting additional training opportunities or perhaps hiring a new person who will complement the team with the missing set of skills.

Employee dashboard skills mapping

Your organization benefits greatly from reliable skills mapping as it brings up those specific areas where your organization misses vital skills. These can then be used to invest or (re)direct a personal training budget for employees to grow and overcome any skills gaps. Simultaneously, Skills Mapping can help your organization “redistribute internal talent to the places it’s most needed.”

How to Use it Effectively?

To make the most of the skills of each individual employee in your organization’s workforce, your HR department needs an accessible and straightforward tool. This will help them maximize your employees’ skills and allow the right employee to the type of work that they will excel at. Besides streamlining your organization, this will serve to “steer employees on the right path and reach their professional destination.”

So, to summarize, Skills Mapping is essential for your organization to make the most and best of your workforce to prepare you for success and support for the future.

Our support

As mentioned in the introduction of this article, our Performance Management Web App now supports Skills Mapping for your entire workforce, making for efficient and easy overviews of all your employees’ skills. Employees will have a personal dashboard where they can track their own skills and receive an overview of what they may want to improve on. Managers receive an overview of skills in their team, allowing them to quickly recognize gaps and act on it.

Seamless integration with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Platform makes it easy to call up reports in Power BI. This will give your managers, HR team, or other performance system admins a concise overview of how your organization is doing in terms of available, and missing, skills among your workforce.

Performance report Power BI

Performance Request Power BI

Plan your workforce and set your organization up for success! Read more about our Performance Web App here.

About us

FourVision is Microsoft’s global leading Dynamics 365 Human Resources implementation partner. We have successfully implemented HR platforms in a variety of industries across multiple Microsoft environments for over a decade. FourVision also delivers an impressive suite of Web Apps that extend Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources.

Business people having a meeting about skills mapping and performance management

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