What are the Benefits of a good Offboarding process? - FourVision

The Benefits of a Good Offboarding

We all know that a good Onboarding enhances the Candidate Experience. New employees are more motivated and tend to stay longer when they had a good Onboarding. A good Offboarding however, also has some great advantages for your organization and the leaving employee. Employees leaving with a bad experience will negatively influence your reputation. Especially if you’re working in a niche market where people know each other. In this article, we will explain the benefits of a good Offboarding process and how you can use this in your organization.

The definition of Offboarding

But before we get into the article, we need to explain to you what Offboarding means.

Offboarding is the separation process that occurs when an employee leaves an organization. Elements that might be involved in this process are the transfer of knowledge from the leaving employee to the current or new staff or the return of property (such as laptop, phone, etc.).

Offboarding Process Benefits: Boomerang employee

One important benefit of  a good Offboarding process, is the boomerang employee. It is very common for old staff to return to a previous employer when they are not happy within their new job. A good Offboarding experience leaves the door open for a future reconnection. Returning employees boost company morale and increase loyalty and alignment. Moreover, boomerangs are already familiar with your organization’s culture. This ensures a smooth Onboarding within your organization.

Offboarding Process Benefits: Employer Branding

A good Offboarding process also has a good influence on your employer branding. With employer branding, we mean the ability of an organization to differentiate itself from others in a way to interest (potential) candidates. It describes the reputation of an employer as their employee value proposition and the overall rating as a place to work. Over the past years, the importance of employer branding is on the rise. Employees want to work for an organization that fits their own beliefs and values. Platforms like Glassdoor promote accessibility to information about the employer branding. This also helps to create an environment where employer branding plays an important role.

The benefit of a great Offboarding process for a leaving employee is a more positive attitude towards your organization from the leaving employee. A great Offboarding process is the last step in the employee journey. A leaving employee is more likely to look back on an amazing time when his or her goodbye was a good memory.

How do you start with Offboarding within your Organization?

Starting with Offboarding doesn’t have to be complicated. A good first step is to create an Offboarding Checklist. This checklist includes:

  • Paperwork (non-competent and non disclosure agreement, tax documents, 401k information)
  • Return of company assets (car, IT equipment, keys, ID cards, clothing, etc.)
  • Knowledge transfer (contacts, records, outstanding tasks, etc.)
  • IT Access (for internal use: delete employee from systems, website, etc.)
  • Exit interview (but also a survey so employers can learn how to improve)

Technology for Offboarding

There are also numerous ways to automate your Offboarding process without losing quality of the process. FourVision offers the Boarding Web App that can be used for Onboarding, Offboarding and Crossboarding. The solution works on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Human Resources and Finance & Operations. Check it out here!

Are you interested in more information about Onboarding, Crossboarding or Offboarding? Take a look at the articles below:


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