Partner Monday Week 40 – News updates from our partners - FourVision

Partner Monday Week 40 – News updates from our partners

Welcome to our weekly updated Partner Monday. Week 40 of 2020 consists of a collaboration between two of our partners: Phenom and Microsoft.

Phenom and Microsoft Teams

Phenom, known for its powerful talent experience platform, introduced Phenom for Microsoft Teams. This means you can streamline your workflow, accelerate decision-making and improve overall collaboration. Simply invite employees and team members to engage with recruitment, internal mobility and interviews directly within Microsoft Teams.

Connect with hiring managers

Hiring managers that use the Phenom platform can now review and approve decisions in Microsoft Teams. This way, there will be no need to switch back to the Phenom Platform after using Microsoft Teams.

Schedule video interviews

Directly schedule a job interview with Phenom Scheduling and a Microsoft Teams link will be automatically created. This also works with group video interviews.

Discover available jobs

Employees can discover available jobs within an organization via Microsoft teams. Job recommendations are based on skills and profile.

Check referral and application status

Applicants can see the status of their application within Microsoft Teams.

Real-time interview feedback

It is now possible to submit feedback in the side panel of Microsoft Teams during a job interview. This feedback will automatically be stored in Phenom. All recruiters will receive a notification as soon as new feedback comes in.

Business Applications Event

This year, Microsoft will host its Business Applications event on the first of October between 9-11 AM Pacific Time. Join this virtual event to see the newest features and capabilities across Microsoft Dynamics 365, including HR. Click here to register for the event.


partner monday Fourvision Phenom

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