Partner Monday Week 39 – News updates from our partners - FourVision

Partner Monday Week 39 – News updates from our partners

New features to the Phenom TXM Platform

Phenom recently added the Content Hub on top of their Career Site functionalities.

Content management

The Content Management function within the Content Hub gives you the opportunity to create new content with your uploaded assets such as videos and images by editing, adding text, links and more.

Career site Phenom new functionality

Translation Management

Translation Management lets you translate your Career Site pages into other languages. This way, you can run your global vacancies through one platform, your Phenom Career Site. You start off by generating your current data. This means that you load your Career Site text into the Translation Management tool. After you generated the data, you are able to translate your text.

Asset Management

Another addition to the update is Asset Management. You can compare this to the media library in WordPress. It shows you all your current images and videos that you uploaded to the website. You’re able to make adjustments to files such as editing and adding titles and meta tags.


Microsoft Business Applications Event

Microsoft will host their Business Applications Event this year on Thursday October 1, 2020. During this free online event, you will get an in-depth look at the latest innovations across Dynamics 365 and the Microsoft Power Platform. Various Microsoft leaders will guide you through new features that were announced in release wave 2.

The event will take place between 9-11 AM Pacific Time. This means 17 PM in London, 18 PM in Amsterdam, and 1 AM in Tokyo. During the first 90 minutes, James Phillip, President of Microsoft Business Applications will host a keynote. After this keynote, there will be a 30 minute live Q&A with various Microsoft experts. You can click here to sign up for this event.

Microsoft Business Applications event 2020

partner monday Fourvision Phenom

Table of Contents

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