Hiring - FourVision

Hire your talent and prepare your organization for the future

Hiring Manager Experience

Once a candidate becomes an applicant, whose profile and skill set you believe your organization will benefit from, the hiring process starts. The personal data collected in the candidate stage should be completed and transferred into employee data so that they will be added into your Core HR system.

You can enter the new data into Dynamics 365 Human Resources directly. However, the data is stored in a variety of screens in the application. To structure this process, we have introduced the ‘hire form’ in our HR Request Web App. The App collects the necessary data from Dynamics ATS (or another ATS system) and presents it into one single structured ‘hire form.’

The information in the form can be completed and routed through your organization to get checked and approved where necessary. You determine which employees have access to what stage of the route depending on their role in the hiring process. This will prevent unauthorized showings of private data.

Once the data has been completed, all it takes is one push on a button and the final step of the workflow is approved and the data transferred into your Dynamics 365 Human Resources Core HR system.

Onboard Your New Employee

Once the person has gone through the recruitment process, it is time to give them a warm welcome into your organization. Studies show that a good onboarding phase results in employees staying with those organizations longer.

With the (on)Boarding Web App, you can create a series of activities including videos, links, and pictures to introduce your employee to their new workplace and colleagues. The guide allows you to link activities to your current employees depending on their role within the onboarding process. These activities include arranging things, such as laptops, keys, phones, or other office equipment for the new employee to get the best start.

Build End-to-End Hiring with advanced HR Solutions!
